Your choice of vernacular has great impact

Why do we go through our everyday life calling our little ones “kids” or “children” and not “offspring” or “progeny”? To me, “offspring” or “progeny” are words that dehumanize beings that I love and respect. I certainly want my kids to grow up knowing that I care and love them and that they should bring […]

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Your Agile Digital Library

I wrote this for a company blog in 2015. I still have and use all of these books through several generations of the iPad. My library has grown considerably since I wrote this in early 2015. No one person can hold all knowledge in their heads so the next best thing is to understand that […]

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PowerPoint is not a Valid Collaboration Tool

When detectives begin the process of solving the complex problem of a crime they pull out a wall, build visuals, and use it as a focus for collaboration. Regardless of our line of business we all solve complex problems. Unfortunately most of us are expected to create PowerPoint decks and give status updates. Why do […]

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Live Your Eulogy, not Your Resume

Watch this short TED Talk by David Brooks. Amazingly deep. In less than 4 minutes he clearly evokes and advocates the need to live life based first on values and second on skills that define success in the business world. For some, a eulogy is the first and only time their life’s impact has been […]

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