An Important Life Lesson

Life is now. We keep waiting for that amazing thing to happen in the future that will be the key to our happiness. But this is it. Right now. Life is a series of “right nows”. So learn to love your “right now” and you’ll have an amazing life.

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Live Your Eulogy, not Your Resume

Watch this short TED Talk by David Brooks. Amazingly deep. In less than 4 minutes he clearly evokes and advocates the need to live life based first on values and second on skills that define success in the business world. For some, a eulogy is the first and only time their life’s impact has been […]

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If we’re so agile why celebrate waterfall?

Several years ago I was the PM on a two year long waterfall infrastructure project. We all worked our tails off and upon completion were given a celebration luncheon. We who lost the most sleep were celebrating that we worked 18 hour days, had just completed a 72 hour rollout of a new system, and […]

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