When Scrum meets Sketchnoting

On February 26 Mike Rohde, author of The Sketchnote Handbook and curator of The Sketchnote Army, interviewed Marianne Rady, a scrum master and sketchnoter. Listen to the Sketchnote Army Podcast on SoundCloud​ and learn about Marianne’s take on the intersection between Agile and Visual Thinking.  

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Whiteboarding Pro Tips from Mike Rohde

At last weekend’s Sketchnote Symposium Mike Rohde (@rohdesign), author of The Sketchnote Handbook, shared some pro tips for sketching on whiteboards in meetings. Below is my sketchnote of Mike’s talk. Do your homework. Learn the topic beforehand so you go into the meeting with a shared understanding of the content. Plan your layout. Plan ahead […]

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Using Canva.com to spice up your website

I use Canva.com as a composition tool. It’s a simple yet extremely powerful web (and app) based tool for creating graphical assets. There a large variety of ready-made template for a lot of applications, but what I find most powerful is the ease with which a graphics layman (me) can create stunning visuals. And Canva […]

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